
By Megan Gannon At Nome-Beltz Middle and High School, teachers report low morale and worries for students’ wellbeing as they struggle to cover for critical staff vacancies. The understaffing crisis...
Nome-Beltz students learn about kalo cultivation at the Ka'ala farm on Oahu.
Sixteen Nome-Beltz students – 14 seniors and two juniors – traveled to Hawaii last month to learn the ways in which their counterparts on Oahu live and perpetuate their Native culture. The exchange...
MAKING ADJUSTMENTS—Andy Sherman adjusts the buoyancy of his group's ROV while Daniel Kerrin looks on. The ROVS had to be able to float in the middle of the water in order to not use up too much battery power trying to keep it up or down.
By Lizzy Hahn On October 19 and 21, 2021, the Nome-Beltz Robotics class had the opportunity to build and test their hand made ROVs, short for remotely operated underwater vehicles. Lauren Bien and...
By Julia Lerner Nome Public Schools plans to implement universal masking at each school building in Nome until at least 80 percent of the population of the building, including students, staff and...
HONORING AN EDUCATOR— Josie Bourdon, center, was surrounded by family (left to right) Mary David, Kayla Bourdon, Wilson Bourdon, Jay David and Katie Bourdon in Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday June 14 after receiving a recognition by the Alaska State Legislature.
By Julia Lerner Josephine Tatauq Bourdon, a lifelong Nome resident, received a commendation from the Alaska State Legislature this week for her long career in education and her commitment to...
By Diana Haecker The Class of 2021 saw beautiful weather blessing their Graduation Day, as the forty students paraded in trucks through town and then headed to their outdoor graduation ceremony at...
CONGRATULATIONS— The Class of 2021 received their degrees, diplomas and certificates on May 13, in a virtual commencement ceremony held at Old St. Joe’s.
By Diana Haecker On Wednesday, May 13, the sound of Pomp & Circumstance filled Old St. Joe’s Hall at Anvil City Square and ushered UAF Northwest Campus graduates into their future enriched by...
On Monday, most schools in the Bering Strait School District returned to in-person classes for the spring semester. With the exception of Brevig Mission and Shishmaref, all village schools are in the...
STATUS GREEN – Nome’s students headed back to school Monday as the number of Covid-19 cases declined significantly. This group of elementary school students was waiting for the bus at the 3rd Ave and Bering Street bus stop.
On Monday, Jan. 11 Nome’s students headed back to school for in-person learning for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic closed the schools down on November 23, 2020. Nome’s active cases of...
Nome public schools opened for classes in the green last week and by all reports the new way of going to school is working. To be in the low risk green status there has to be 14 days of no community-...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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