
In their last meeting before a short summer break, members of the Nome School Board met to take care of a few items of business. Most notably, it looks as if Nome Public Schools will receive funding...
Thirty students from the Bering Strait region were honored before a packed house in the Old Saint Joe’s on Thursday, May 5 during the Northwest Campus’ 40th annual Commencement Ceremony. Each of the...
At last week’s work session of the Board of Education, Nome’s Hattie Keller shared highlights from a recent discussion on decolonization in education. As part of an effort led by the Inuit...
Although the state legislature is still in session, and could be for some time, the Nome Board of Education convened at a special meeting last Tuesday to approve the district’s budget for the 2016-...
The April 12 Nome School Board meeting was kicked off with the announcement of the newly-adopted Nome Public Schools Mission Statement: “Nome Public Schools in active partnership with families and...
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development cancelled the computerized Alaska Measures of Progress tests, AMP for short, after multiple internet connection disruptions last week. Alaska’...
At last week’s Nome Public Schools Board of Education work session, Superintendent Shawn Arnold shared what he called, “some good news in otherwise interesting financial times.” Arnold told board...
ART—Alaska Native Culture teacher Josie Bourdon worked with students Iryna Kadustka and Kaitlyn Moses on their art projects, "Many Lands, One Arctic." The videos the girls made are on display at the Art Center in Juneau.
At their regular meeting last week, the Nome Board of Education recognized members of the Nome Referee Association with the Partner in Education award. “We’ve had a lot of changes with youth...
Nome Public Schools District Superintendent Shawn Arnold recently returned from a legislative fly-in session to Juneau where he met with legislators, commissioners and superintendents from around the...
STUDENT OF THE MONTH— Clay Outwater received January Student of the Month recognition.
After 26 years with Nome Public Schools, Information Technologies director Robin Johnson will retire from the district next month. Johnson has been with the district since 1990 as both a teacher and...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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