
CABIN ADRIFT – Rita Hukill’s cabin now rests in the shallows a half mile upriver from the Nome River Bridge after it was swept off the sandspit at Fort Davis.
Starting on the night of Wednesday, November 4, and continuing through Friday, a major storm ripped through the Norton Sound region, causing widespread closures and some damaging flooding. In Teller...
After several days of tense anticipation nationwide, on Saturday morning the Associated Press called the presidential race in favor of Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr....
A ringed seal found a bit of ice left and spent the morning at the small boat harbor in Nome. © The Nome Nugget/Diana Haecker
FIRST INTO NOME— Tyler Aklestad and Tyson Johnson arrived in Nome, the halfway point of the Iron Dog Snowmachine race on Tuesday at 3:34 p.m.
Last weekend, 41 teams started the Iron Dog snowmachine race in the pro class section. The Iron Dog, known as the world’s longest and toughest snowmobile race, runs 2,031 miles from Big Lake to Nome...
Fire victims of the Umiaq Apartment fire are suing the property owner and Kandie Allen
A family of arson victims has filed suit seeking a minimum of $100,000 in state Superior Court, Second District, against Bering Straits Native Corp. and Kandie Allen. The complaint stems from a fire...
The Nome Common Council took up several big-ticket money measures on the Jan. 25 regular meeting agenda. Other discussion covered benefit shares, fuel prices and a get-together in Orlando. The Nome...

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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