
Vickie Erickson
A standing-room-only crowd filed into City Hall Monday evening for a meeting that lasted three hours. 
School funding and a Nome Volunteer Ambulance Dept. contract with Norton Sound Health Corp. drew...
Last Thursday, visitors from Anchorage arrived in Nome to present a new outreach program called Help Me Grow, aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences in Alaska. Help Me Grow is a nonprofit...
Nome Municipal Cemetery
A flock of white crosses stand east of the Nome Airport on a hill where people have been laid to rest since prior to Nome becoming a town in 1901. Last week, the Nome Common Council introduced a...
On March 24, a Western Alaska Alcohol and Narcotics Team investigator and Alaska State Troopers arrested Zachary Bourdon, 24, of Nome, charging him with 11 counts of misconduct involving a controlled...
NEW RECRUITS— Nome Police Chief John Papasodora administers the oath to new police officers at the Nome Common Council meeting on March 27. Pictured left to right are Ofc. Crystal Toolie, Community Service Officer Tom Paniataaq, Ofc. Casey Johnson, Ofc. Cordell Murray.
The Nome Common Council March 27 meeting opened business on Monday evening with a swearing-in ceremony of four new officers who have joined the Nome Police Dept. Police Chief John Papasodora...
DREDGING— The Snake River dredging project at the mouth to expand moorage capacity for smaller craft has begun this week.
Federal and state grant money has dwindled, but designs for Port of Nome improvements continue. When money comes, port administrators want to be ready.
 The planning process and progress at the...
Joar Leifseth Ulsom finishing in fourth place.
When Cindy Abbott arrived under the Burled Arch in Nome on Saturday at 2:47 p.m. after 12 days, 2 hours and 57 minutes on the trail, Iditarod 45 officially came to a record-breaking end. Abbott...
The Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game has flipped the sign on the Norton Sound red king crab CDQ fishery to “closed” effective at 5 p.m. March 22.  At that time, all gear must be out of the water or have...
A single engine Cessna 172 crashed on Monday nearly vertically into the sea ice near Hastings Creek outside of Nome, killing the only person on board. Troopers identified the deceased pilot as Thomas...
AFFORDABLE HOUSING— Sue Steinacher introduced a proposal to build a low-income housing complex in Nome.
On Friday, a few dozen people gathered in Trigg Hall at the Nome Eskimo Community building to discuss a proposed low-income housing project. The project would involve the possible use of City Block...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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