On Friday, a few dozen people gathered in Trigg Hall at the Nome Eskimo Community building to discuss a proposed low-income housing project. The project would involve the possible use of City Block...
During a regular meeting on Monday, the Nome Common Council wrestled to adjust a summer two-percent sales tax increase, but did not succeed in taking it down to the mat.
The Council looked for ways...
Despite a significant snowstorm that hit Nome and the region with 16.8 inches of snow from Wednesday through Sunday, Nomeites went about business as usual.
Nome Public Schools did not close school...
It was standing room only at the Nome Public Schools Board of Education meeting last Tuesday as parents, teachers, staff and community members gathered to encourage the board to either approve or...
A windstorm that pummeled Nome and the Bering Strait coast on Valentine’s Day afternoon miraculously spared the lives of two snowmachine travelers who left Brevig Mission at 2 p.m. for Nome....
According to a Preliminary Economic Assessment on the proposed Graphite One graphite mine near Teller, the project was deemed economically viable with a net present value after taxes at $616 million...
There is good news down at the docks.
“It’s off to a good start,” Jim Menard, state Dept. of Fish and Game fisheries biologist said of the winter commercial red king crab fishery Monday. “It’s...
Last week Governor Bill Walker announced his decision to fill the vacant Nome Superior Court Judge seat with Romano DiBenedetto of Fairbanks. The vacancy was created by the early retirement of Judge...
During the Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation’s fourth quarter board of directors meeting held in Nome last week, the board voted to extend the limits of their terms of office to four...
Following 10 days of warnings the power and water went off at the Old AC Apartments on Saturday, Feb. 4, leaving about 23 residents without power, sewer and water, due to non-payment of a substantial...