- Are you in favor of creating a Public Safety Advisory committee for Nome? - 30 votes - open
- Now that Walker suspended his campaign who would you vote for if the Gubernatorial elections were this week? - 30 votes - open
- If elections were tomorrow, who would you vote for to occupy Alaska's lone seat in the House of Representatives? - 32 votes - open
- Do you agree with Lisa Murkowski to not vote for Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice? - 70 votes - open
- Who do you think will serve rural Alaska best if voted for Governor? - 32 votes - open
- With municipal elections coming up what qualities do you value most in a candidate? - 25 votes - open
- Do you think Nome is a good place to grow old? - 40 votes - open
- Do you think Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the Supreme Court? - 52 votes - open
- Do you believe that the salmon habitat protection regulations are adequate or not? - 24 votes - open
- Are you satisfied with the service provided by the Nome Police Department? - 23 votes - open
- How do you think teacher retention in Nome can be achieved? - 14 votes - open
- Do you believe that Nome needs a Deep Draft Port? - 32 votes - open
- Would you be in favor of IPOP's gold exploration endeavors in Safety Sound? - 48 votes - open
- Are you in favor of raising the hotel room tax in Nome from 6% to 10%? - 26 votes - open
- After the press conference with Trump and Putin in Helsinki do you still have confidence that Trump has the best interest of America at heart? - 41 votes - open