- How do you plan on voting this fall? - 27 votes - open
- Do you know what Tiktok is and do you use it? - 31 votes - open
- Who will you vote for in the general election? - 32 votes - open
- Are you confident that voting by mail-in ballot is safe? - 47 votes - open
- Have you considered homeschooling your kids this coming school year? - 22 votes - open
- Should the city pass a mandatory mask order? - 45 votes - open
- Do you think schools should open to in-person instruction in August? - 30 votes - open
- Who do you think should be eligible for funds from the City to offset COVID-19 hardships? - 35 votes - open
- Do you agree that masks are an effective measure to curb the spread of COVID-19? - 54 votes - open
- Do you think the unrestricted Fourth of July celebrations will cause an uptick of COVID-19 cases in Nome and the region? - 36 votes - open
- Do you agree with the call to restructure law enforcement funding to end a culture of police brutality nationwide? - 52 votes - open
- Do you think the state should mandate the wearing of masks as other states have done? - 40 votes - open
- Do you think George Floyd's death is a watershed moment to bring about change in the nation's justice system? - 55 votes - open
- Do you agree with President Trump that states should "dominate" demonstrators taking to the streets to protest racial injustice? - 74 votes - open
- Do you think we've seen the worst of COVID-19 yet? - 77 votes - open