Timothy Dooley

Timothy Dooley

Dec. 11, 1952 ~ Dec. 2, 2017

Tim Dooley was born on Dec. 11, 1952, in Tripoli, Libya.
He received his Bachelor of Arts in history from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in 1976, and a Master of Arts in Teaching in history and an associate degree in mining and petroleum technology from UAF in 1978. Among his many life adventures, he worked clear-cutting trees and logging in Southeast Alaska, commercial fishing, fighting fires, shoveling coal for the UAF power plant, working for the UAF Fire Department while attending school, doing bear and wolf control in the south Yukon region on the pipeline, doing mineral exploration in Alaska and Australia, and ranch work in Australia and New Zealand. Many fond memories were from the five years spent in Tokyo, Japan, where Erin was born.
Tim attended St. Mary’s Law School in San Antonio, Texas, earning his Juris Doctor in 1981. While in law school he clerked for the Alaska Attorney General’s Office in Fairbanks, and eventually returned to Alaska to open his private practice in Anchorage in 1993, where he worked until his appointment to the Alaska Superior Court in Nome in 2013. He retired for medical reasons on Feb. 6, 2017.
Tim was survived by his wife, Barb (Smith); and daughter Erin Marie; his brother, Mark and wife Shirley Dooley; brother and sister-in-law, Ron and Natasha Smith; and sister-in-law, Bec Smith. He was preceded in death by his mother, JoEllen; father, Emmett; brothers, Jim and Dennis; mother and father-in-law, Ed and Elouise Smith; brother-in-law, Stan Smith; and nephew, Jack Smith. Tim enjoyed many nieces and nephews: Shannon, Stephanie, Steve, Ronnie, Czarina, Marina, George, Christina, Stephen, Shannon, Michelle, Shawn, Patrick, Adam and Sean; and several grand-nieces and grand-nephews.Tim's funeral service will be held on Jan. 12, 2018, at 3 p.m. at Turnagain United Methodist Church. Tim believed in giving people a second choice and his family thought a donation to Chanlyut, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, would be help in giving back. Donations are accepted at: Attn. Development Department, 3600 San Jeronimo Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508; or on their website: citci.org/recovery/chanlyut. Tim also loved his pets and if you would like to make a donation, please donate to Alaskan Animal Rescue Friends (AARF), 2440 East Tudor Road #105, Anchorage, AK 99507; or on their website: http://www.alaskananimalrescuefriends.org/info/donate.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112


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