Pete Sokienna Sereadlook
Pete Sokienna Sereadlook was born to Dick Sereadlook and Rebecca Toogootuq in a sod house at Wales, Alaska.
He worked at the mining camp for Lees Trading Co., also at Lost River and Nome.
Pete also was in the Alaska National Guard, following that he was the VPSO for a couple years. He became the Water Plant Operator for the City of Wales until retirement. He walked to most destinations for work to provide for his family. He loved hunting and providing food on the table for his wife and children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Pete and Lena are well known for inviting everyone for his dinners, even for those they did not know.
Pete will be remembered for his kindness to everyone, and he never said anything bad or put anyone down, but instead encouraged them. He was a very good role model for his children and shared his life journeys with them. He also showed his children and grandchildren tricks that he knew. Pete loved to tell stories of “old Kingigin” and his life stories to whomever was willing to listen, loved telling his jokes to his family and friends.
Pete along with Faye Ongtowasruk and his nephew TobyAnungazuk Jr., revitalized the Eskimo dancing to our Wales Kingikmuit Youth and anyone who was willing to learn.
He is survived by his wife Lenora Sereadlook of 48 years, his son Larry (Marie Ningealook), his daughter Peggy Sereadlook (Alexander Ashenfelter), Talia Sonnenberg and his baby sister Katie Terry; grandchildren Vanessa Johnson, Ida and Viola Sereadlook, Stacey (Freddy), Rebecca Tokienna, Archie Jr., Tia, Collen, Victor, Caroline, Harvey, Preston Olanna; great grandchildren Sara Tokienna-Barr, Skyler and Isabella Johnson, Mandy Sonnenberg, Julius Saccheus, Richard Tokienna, and also Bradley and Maya Malloy; nieces Glenda Didrickson, Maxine, Oddie, Teresa and Carol Patrick, Nancy Perez, Shirley Anungazuk, Christine Komonaseak, (Luther), Metrona Mazonna, Karen Rushin (Thor), Shawna Keys and Almira Davis; nephews Ed Terry, Al Earl, Aldrich, Angus Mozanna, Ralph, Kelly, Toby Jr, George Anungazuk, Andrew, Norman and Travis Ningealook; Inlaws Joanne and Anthony Keys Jr, Mary Ann and Warren Olanna, Daniel Sr. and Ellen Richard, Linda Oxereok, Frank Jr. and Veronica Oxereok, Janet and James, Clyde, Stanley, Anna Oxereok, Amos and Melinda Oxereok.
He is preceded in death by his parents Dick and Rebecca Sereadlook, son Pavi Sonnenberg, son-in-law Richard Tokienna, granddaughter Louise Inez Tokienna, sisters Annie Mazoona, Martha Anungazuk, Mattie Patrick and Nellie Sereadlook. Alfred, Roy, Glen Sereadlook, George Kite;nephews: Herbert, Nellie, Frank, Nathan Anungazuk, Father and Mother-In-Law: Thomas Sr. Ida and Thomas Jrs Oxereok.