Lacie Helga Rose Nanouk

Lacie Helga Rose Nanouk

Lacie Helga Rose was born to Adam and Jolene Nanouk at 11:59 p.m., September 18, 2016 at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, WA.

Lacie had been diagnosed in utero with Heterotaxy Syndrome with Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect. Immediately after birth, she was transported to the Seattle Children’s Hospital Critical Care Unit, where she was monitored until her first open heart surgery. She had her first open heart surgery on September 26, 2016. On February 7, 2017, she had a Ladd procedure and appendectomy. Lacie had her second open heart surgery on March 23, 2017. On April 7, 2017, we were able to bring our precious Lacie home to Alaska.

Although our baby knew her given name was Lacie, she always said “I’m Helga!”

Helga spent most of her life in and out of hospitals, but she lived her life to the fullest. She had a special heart that gave her family so much happiness. As tiny as she was, she had a soft and sweet voice, but her words were strong and firm. Helga made a lasting impact on everyone she had met.

From the moment Lexie met her sister, she stuck by her side. They were inseparable and Lexie always let Helga boss her around. She protected and watched over her. Not long after Helga had her second heart surgery, Lexie was only two-years-old, when she ran as fast as she could to save her little sister from falling off the bed. Lexie would make sure Helga ate all her food, while Helga would always remind everyone to pray before eating.

Helga was always eager to learn new things. She enjoyed every minute of everything she did; to her it had to be perfect. Helga loved to play house, dress up and play doctor. She enjoyed being read to and loved looking at books. At only a year old she named her favorite doll “Arf Arf.”  

She looked up to her “Big Sister”Autumn and would even stick up for her. On one occasion her daddy scolded her sisters for arguing and Helga told her daddy, “Be nice to my big sisters”, walked out and walked back in and then said, “RIGHT NOW!” As if she meant business.

Lacie Helga Rose is survived by her Daddy and Mommy (Adam and Jolene); sisters Autumn and Lexie; brothers Riley, Bradley and Jase; great grandma Emily Nanouk, great grandpa Alvin Pootogooluk Sr.; grammy Rhoda Nanouk and grandma Louise Murray; Papa Joe Murray Jr.; uncles and aunties; great uncles, great aunties, cousins and friends.

Lacie Helga Rose is preceded in death by her grandpa’s Bob Willey and Gilbert Pootogooluk; great grandparents Martin Nanouk Sr., Roger Nassuk Sr.; and Loleta Nassuk, Anna Pootoogooluk; great grandmother Sharon Buchenroth; great great grandparents Peter and Martha Nanouk, and Helga Adams; uncles Timothy Sagoonick and Michael Nanouk; cousins Brad James Nanouk, Roger Hannon, Thomas Hannon, Joseph Nassuk Hannon, Mabel Nassuk, Celeste Rose Moore, and Baby Girl Nassuk.

“We love you, too much, all my heart, always and forever, to the moon and back! Amen.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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