Bernard Irrigoo Jr.

Bernard Irrigoo Jr.

Nov. 23, 1969 — May 26, 2023

Anchorage resident and former Nome resident, beloved son, brother, cousin, uncle, and friend Bernard Irrigoo Jr., died suddenly in Anchorage, Alaska on May 26, 2023. 

Bernard Taapak Irrigoo Jr. as born to Magdalene and Bernard Irrigoo Sr. in Nome, Alaska. At his birth he was welcomed by brothers and sisters Walton, Marilyn, Ronald and Connie. He was the youngest until Kevin was born when Bernard was 8-years -old.  

Known as Jr. among those who knew him in childhood,  he was the beloved grandson of the late Clarence and Mildred (big and little Apa) Irrigoo. He spent most of his childhood at their house, four houses down from his childhood home in Nome. 

The love of computers and computer languages was discovered in high school when Jr. took Mr. Eskeldson’s classes. He learned Basic and C++ computer languages. Computers became a lifelong passion for him.

He never married nor had children. Prior to his death he became HVAC certified and dreamed of climbing mountains and hunting with family in Gambell. 

Bernard is survived by his brother Walton Irrigoo and sister Connie Irrigoo; nephews Lawrence and Nicholas Nattanguk, and Christopher Irrigoo; nieces Kristina Kurupko, Tatyana Henderson, Amanda Noyukuk, Rachel and Willa Irrigoo.

He has hundreds of cousins around the U.S., aunties and uncles Amelia, Delia, Paul, Yuung, Hanson and Crunch, and extended family of Maurice Nattanguk and Troy Johnson.                                        

Bernard was preceded in death by beloved mother and father Bernard Sr. and Magdalene Irrigoo, brothers Ronald and Kevin Irrigoo, sister Marilyn Irrigoo; grandparents Lawrence and Rosie Kulukhon; and Clarence Sr. and Mildred Irrigoo; maternal aunties Grace, Anna, Willa, Annette, uncles Allen, Luke, and Leroy, paternal uncle Gordon, and nieces Christine and Jenelle Bird.



The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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