
A climate change workshop held in Nome last week brought together about 70 representatives from 15 Bering Strait tribal councils and communities, four nonprofits and 11 state and federal agencies.
A climate change workshop held in Nome last week brought together about 70 representatives from 15 Bering Strait tribal councils and communities, four nonprofits and 11 state and federal agencies....
A subsidiary of Bering Straits Native Corporation last week paid the Southern District of Texas $ 2 million in damages after settling a whistleblower lawsuit alleging violations of the False Claims...
HISTORIC TREASURE OR RICKETY RUIN? —This vacant structure, one on a list of examples visited on a Nome Planning Commission drive-around May 10 will have to be registered with owner’s contact information, secured and maintained to prevent health and safety risks under a new vacant structures law. Focus of the laws is to encourage demolition or upgrades to rid the community of eyesores and to increase the number of useful structures.
The decriminalization of marijuana use, production and sales likely has put a new task on the Nome Planning Commission’s work table. Several residents on the west side of town have asked the planners...
The Nome Common Council took several decisions at its meeting May 9 that will affect some lives in the community in new ways, but the big kahuna was the approval of a vacant structures maintenance...
During last week’s board of directors meeting of Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation, directors approved the payout of $1.2 million for 25 regional projects under their Outside Entity...
Gilbert Olanna
A White Mountain man accused of killing his girlfriend Esther Lincoln on New Year’s Day 2015, last Friday changed his plea and pleaded guilty to one count of murder in the second degree. On January 3...
Hunters keeping an eye on a seal hauled out on ice.
For the first time in recorded history, Savoonga whalers landed their first spring bowhead whale in March. According to Savoonga’s representative to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission George...
CANCER PREVENTION¬– The Alaska Community Action on Toxics and the Alaska Run for Women brought Dr. Ted Schettler to Nome to speak about breast cancer prevention last Thursday. Dr. Schettler, Science Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network, is pictured with Vi Waghiyi, who serves as Environmental Health and Justice Program Director for ACAT.
Dr. Ted Schettler, Science Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network , presented a lecture in Nome on Thursday, April 28. Schettler’s invitation to Nome was part of the Alaska...
EARLY BREAKUP— An unsually warm spring caused early breakup. Norton Sound shows open water and decaying sea ice in front of Nome.
Islands of decaying sea ice bob lazily in the open blue waters of Norton Sound in front of Nome. The beach is ice and snow free, allowing people to leisurely stroll along the shoreline, roast...
THAR SHE FLOWS— Big dreams riding big offshore mining dredges wait for the moment the Snake River knocks the ice out of the harbor. Phoenix Marine had them lined up with equipment in place to push and pull them into the water in anticipation of an early breakout.
Port of Nome staff are gearing up for another busy season when Nome folks and businesses will receive new inventory and the exciting stuff—new vehicles, dogfood, long awaited building materials—...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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