
Many Alaskans have been waiting more than six months for the SNAP benefits they need to buy food for their households. The state government is experiencing a continued backlog in paperwork that is...
The tribes of Teller, Brevig Mission and Mary’s Igloo say the U.S. Department of Defense should have consulted with them before awarding Graphite One a $37.5 million grant last year. The tribes...
AMBULANCE— Nome Volunteer Ambulance Department Chief Jim West Jr., standing, addresses the Nome Common Council as council members weighed their decision to retain or relinquish the ambulance service
The Nome Common Council voted on Monday to relinquish the ambulance department to Norton Sound Health Corporation. The city has run the Nome Volunteer Ambulance Department in its current form since...
The Nome Swimming Pool remains closed until all the new filtration system is fully installed.
The Nome Pool is still undergoing its overhaul process changing from a saltwater system to a chlorine system. The project began in summer 2023 and encountered several setbacks, pushing the pool re-...
A Savoonga woman was arrested on Wednesday, Dec. 20 after authorities found her in possession of 119 blue “M30” Fentanyl pills and alcohol, after she checked in at Bering Air for a flight to Savoonga...
Law enforcement last week intercepted a package containing 88.7 grams of methamphetamine shipped from California to Toby Ernst in Nome. Nome and Kotzebue Alaska State Troopers Statewide Drug...
A Koyuk man is charged with murder in the first degree after a shooting on December 30, 2023. According to Alaska State Troopers, 35-year-old Franklin Adams of Koyuk shot and killed his 74-year-old...
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on so-called D-1 lands that cover 28 million acres in Alaska and could soon lose federal protections. The lands were set aside under...
TREE LIGHTING — Unalakleet lit its Christmas tree on Dec. 1.
December brings the return of annual holiday gatherings across the region. There will be races, feasts, basketball tournaments and other decades-old traditions. The Nome Nugget reached out to...
The Nome Common Council listens to testimony by people in the audience during a work session on Monday, Dec. 11 as the ponder the question to keep operating a Nome Ambulance department or to hand over the service to NSHC.
In a work session the Nome Common Council discussed again whether to retain the city-run volunteer ambulance department or if it makes sense to hand the service over to Norton Sound Health...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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